Singing Guide: Elle King

Singing Guide: Elle King

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Elle King is a fantastic singer known for her unique raspy voice, country, and rock-inspired music. She has a vast range, and her style is inspired by artists such as Bonnie Raitt, Etta James, and Aretha Franklin.

To learn singing like Elle King, our first recommendation is to develop a strong and reliable breath support. Breath exercises, such as Farinelli Breathing, are essential to help you control your coughs, sneezes, and other breath interference.

Good posture has a significant impact on your breath support, so try keeping your shoulders down, chest up, and chin level.

Another important aspect of Elle King's singing style is the use of the twang vocal technique. Our video exercise "How to Twang Exercise" can help you learn to produce twang in your voice.

Elle King's vocal register is unique, and you can listen to her music to understand her range. Use our vocal range test to determine your own vocal range and compare it to Elle King's.

Elle King's songs showcase her unique style, and we recommend listening to some of her most popular tracks, such as "Ex's and Oh's," "America's Sweetheart," and "My Neck, My Back." Pay attention to how she uses her breath support, twang, and vocal registers in these songs.

Start practicing with our Pitch Training tools to improve your pitch accuracy and to focus on warm-up and exercises for range and agility. Remember to always warm up before singing and use our Warm-up/Practice-starter exercises.

Try to avoid constrictions and nasal sounds in your voice. The Stop Sounding Nasal video exercise can help you learn to avoid a nasal sound.

In conclusion, singing like Elle King requires a combination of factors, including breath support, twang, and unique vocal registers. To develop these skills, utilize breathing exercises, listen to Elle King's music, and practice with Singing Carrots resources like Pitch Training, articulation exercises such as Finger Bite and Articulation, and vocal range tests.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.